Sunday, June 28, 2009

The HM Challenge: Cup Beat with Me!

Okay, So I thought this would be fun to issue some interactive challenges from time to time. Here's The HM Challenge #1, that I want you. Yes, you the one reading this to join me in a Cup Beat Challenge. *pointing to you*

I'm a fan of Christine who does Happy Slip Vlogs and since I've caught this cup beat thing tonight, I've been slamming my plastic cup on my table much to the dismay of the one sitting next to me on his computer.

Ok, here's the Challenge. I will try to get this Cup Beat down so that I can get a good rhythm down and record it in an upcoming post once I've got it. Its a little tricky in the beginning but its something that you can catch quite easily. *I hope*

So, whats going to happen is... try this Cup Beat thing out and if you can, use ur digicam or phonecam and record your cup beat and send it to me at (Deadline- 15th July 09) So learn it fast!

Come on! Be a sport! Let me see or hear your cup beat!! If you're shy, you don't even have to show your face!! Lets aim for at least 5 people to do this with or for me? You don't have to sing a song but do the beat! It would be fun!! So who's up for the challenge? I'll post up your videos here if you send me one! Unless you don't want me to and its for private viewing only? Heh! Heh! Cup Beat anyone?

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