Wednesday, December 10, 2008

(Warning NSFW!): My First Flaming Red Bikini for ONLY $5!

(Don't tell me I never warn you okay!
This post contains a NSFW image*Not Safe For Work*)

I never had a bikini of my own before.. I always had the one piece traditional kind or even a one piece shorts included piece.

I decided to give it a try the other day at Bugis Village and the turquoise one I liked was $80! Insane! Thats damn expensive larh! But I so want one of my own. So I said, I'll think about it and would be back if I considered buying it. I actually wanted a red one so really had to think twice about getting a turquoise one instead.

Then today at Song & Song Lucky Plaza, I casually browsed through the swimwear section and found a Flaming Red Bikini for ONLY SGD$5!!! INSANE! So damn cheap! $5!!! My God. I double checked with the sales lady at least 4 times.. $5! Whoot!

And the material was pretty much the same as that $80 that I wanted to get too!! Quality wise.. really not bad lor! Lycra! I'm definitely going back on Friday when I'm in town to check if they have more colours.

In the meantime... do note that if you're not prepared to see more flesh than usual or feel that you might be disgusted or whatever... don't scroll down and go ahead to click that Red Box with the Cross Up there -------->> and exit this page now.

So here it goes.... *some hours of contemplation went into considering posting this picture up, even consulted the hubby about this just in case and he was strangely A-Okay with it up too.... so I guess I'm comfortable enough to put it up now. :)* This is definitely a milestone for me over this past months of my weightloss journey. Never did I think back last year when I was 100kg and looking like THIS, that I'd wear a red bikini. So this is definitely an achievement of sorts. :)

I flipped the top inside out and instead of tying it behind, I tied it in front instead so that I'd have a ribbon.

So here it is... $5 Bikini with a 68kg body. Whooot! So worth the $5 LARH!!! Song & Song Rocks!! I'll consider taking this bikini shot again when I hit 55kg and am more toned. *cough*




















Spank-A-Lot said...

Pweet.....I can seriously understand why your husband was A-Okay with your purchase. To be honest, with that photo you really think you are out of shape? Something is really wrong with your mirror. Trust your husband's taste and pump up that confidence of yours! Way to go!

Irene said...

Rock on, babe! Looking good. I should try one on with my preggie belly. Should be fun to see. :D

thetinybikegirl said...

Whoooooaaaaa...that is a super impressive body. And an awesome bikini. =D

Aka Pamela S. said...

Irene! Babe! Take photos of ur bump!! I didn't take photos of mine and I really regret not having any. And when I DID have photos, the computer went kaput and lost all my files!!! AARRGHH!

Spank-a-lot: Thanks. And yeah, round is a shape. LOL! I'm still very much out of shape by all standards but just that a good camera angle makes a nice shot. :)

Alex: Yea! Thank you.. will work it harder to tone up all that hanging skin, in the meantime, I'll just suck it in and strut and pretend that no ones looking. And the Bikini $5! only!!! Very cheap larh!

:) said... look stunning in these red bikini....

krisandro said...

I think you look very good already but I guess you will still work towards 55kg.


Aka Pamela S. said...

Thanks Krisandro.. I appreciate your comments because you've met me in person so you really know how I am dispite the colour adjustments and selective cropping that my blog has... lol!

Anonymous said...

$5! That's a steal!

Did you check if it will go transparent after it get wet?

Aka Pamela S. said...

Motd: Yes I did! And no, it was completely opaque! :)

Our Story said...

didnt know song n song hv such cheap n nice bikini. maybe i shld take a look. wanted to hv a 2 piece swimsuit, but still dont dare to wear it.
