I want to thank everyone who participated with me in listing your company to recieve FREE SOYJOY bars! Thank you for your support! ... :) Challenge No. 1 is now CLOSED.
Now for this challenge.. I thought about this for quite a while... and in line with my kind of preferences and lifestyle. I found that I would have liked to marry my love of felines thus.. my nickname "Honeymeow" with comfort food and an active lifestyle to represent how I like my SOYJOY best...
Above there... the kitty having a nibble on a SOYJOY bar... no.. SOYJOY IS NOT pet food but pets love it too! I know because I've tried feeding it to the cats I love and they ate it with much gusto! BUT... its NOT pet food okay! And Don't feed Chocolates to Cats! It gives them respiratory distress...
Then I wondered.. how else other than just opening the pack and nibbling on it can I enjoy the bar? Dunked with coffee like a biscotti side treat? Yes.. Dunked in chocolate fudge maybe! Hell yeah!! But it also kinda defeats the purpose of the low GI factor by adding so much sugar to "compliment" it. But those still sound awesome don't they?! I tried these combos too.. not bad!! *slurps*
So I tried it with some low fat Frozen Yogurt and chopped up a chocolate orange SOYJOY bar and used it as toppings and threw on some of my favourite red heart toppings for colour.. Visually, it was pretty enticing. I threw it into the freezer for an after dinner treat and a treat it was indeed! The bar bits dried out just a little bit making it a little crunchier at the ends which gave it excellent texture for people like me who love chunky yogurt/icecream treats!
And it was really satisfying too! I'd definitely use this combo again soon!

(UPDATE! Based on Readers Choice! SOYJOY "Work for Food" Picture WINS the popularity vote!!)
"Much Effort!!" - Will work for food Kitty... (Peddling SOYJOY...buy one pwease?) Hahhaha!!

With the company of some of my friends, after a great workout... my own ZumFit dance class nonetheless.. with our bars that helped us sustain a great satiety and energy to last the class through and to provide a non greasy, non sinful, filling treat after... Yep.. thats how I like it... *I'm proud to allow association with my ZumFit program with SOYJOY as they both work towards the promotion of healthier lifestyle choices*
So.. tell me which of these photos you like best? Leave me a comment here! Yeah.. comments will help in this challenge too! I'd love to hear from you! What do you say now? ZumFit!! Oooppss! I mean.. SOYJOY!! Gotta love it.. Hahaha! :)

I love the kitty on top of the bar, so cute~
Wahaha Say I am narcissistic or whatever, I prefer the last pic because I am in it :P but nonetheless you can chose the act cute for food :P
I WANT FOOD. MAKE THAT YOGURT THING FOR MEEEEEE. but i don want orange. make another Flavor one! kthxbai
Me want yogurt too. :p
just wanted to say luv them all but if i had to pick one i would pick "act cute for food"..so good luck & soy joi rocks.. = - ) from robertd_16@yahoo.com &twitter
The food one. Definitely the one with food
I like the rolling kitty with the soyjoy bar in its paws. Not sure if I enjoy soyjoy with Yogurt though but I do eat it for energy when going for one of long runs. I now average at least 10 to 12 km each time I run, which is at least 60 to 70 minutes.
I love the 2nd kitty... "Will work for food"!! So cute!!!
I like the 2nd Kitten...hugging the soy joy...so cute
The yogurt with soyjoy looks real yummy!!
I vote for .... will work for food!... SOOO cute...!!
OMG, cuteness overload. Nice idea on the frozen soyjoy and yogurt thing, must go home and try. Yum.
What's those red hearts in your dessert combo?! Pretty leh!
I will chose the "Will work for food" she looks so pitiful n cute...
HAHAHA!! Act cute for food is DAMN CUTE!!!!!!!!
Oooh!! Will act cute for food is SOOOO CUTE!!! x_x
Hey Blue, EY, Chaosdingo, UFC, RobertD, Isabelle, Cool Insider, Serene, Emily, Angel, Zo, Alexis, Shelly, Ives & Vtay.. thank you for leaving me a comment.
Looks like both Work for Food and Act Cute for Food are the hot favourites!
Love the cute kitties... Do they REALLY get the SOYJOY though. I suspect it's their owners who make off with the loot.
Joe, my dear Joe... the kitties are "SELLING" them bars laah.. haha I've eaten waay too many bars, I'm suspecting I have SOYJOY in my blood stream..
I like the 2nd picture in a bowl. It really looks sinful in a healthy way. It was between the first kitty and this. But having a kitty with a SOY JOY would be too predictable. Dessert combo FTW!
I would choose 'Act cute for food' too!!
Great Post! I wonder what else you can do with soyjoy!
i like the "will work for food". Cat look so pitiful.
I think ah... you owe me a treat.
Can I have ice cream with soy joy please?
Hiya Darran, Mommy Mash, Cullen, Bearytwisted and MM! Thanks for your comments.. go try the dessert combo! Its really not bad!
If I really wanted to sin it up, I'd make it vanilla icecream, pour on the hot fudge chocolate, sprinkle with nuts and top with milo powder.. fwoah lao! POWER RIGHT?
Hey make one which is more sinful! =p
both so cute! i vote for "work for food" : )
chi nee
i like the food pic. you should run a street taste test and put up a vid hehe
Hey Girlicious and Chi Nee! Yeah, I'll do that sometime to try a sin packed one!
John Doe: Thats genius! Thats a bloody good idea! Let me see if I can rope in a couple of friends and march down town and give that a try! Genius... thank you!
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