When I finally get the chance to, you'll get very entertaining updates soon from the past couple of very very very busy months. I have over 12 image intensive posts that are lining up to be posted here so check back in constantly to see if there are updates! But for now, back over on the
6th of April... my gosh.. that was over 4 months ago since I've last updated my blog.. *whoa!!
* I had the honor and experience to be part of my very own dance competition!
One of my corporates who I teach dance to had decided to make good their lessons by culminating their efforts with a dance-off in a internally viewed audience judged performance show called
"So you think you can't dance?!".
It was a very entertaining duel between the Bollywood team and the Danza team which I was so very proud of being given the honor and opportunity to choreograph and instruct.
A total of 4 dance sets, 2 Bollywood tracks by the other team and 2 tracks by the Danza team. We chose the "Waka Waka" and "The Time" to present in the short segment. And Boy! Was I proud as hell when my teams hit the stage... full of smiling faces, fully rehearsed confident moves that were filled with energy..
I was one beaming proud "mama" indeed.... I could not stop smiling... my heart was bursting with pride...
My "The Time" team above with their cool black n gold costume backstage and my "Waka Waka" team below with their colourful whimsical costumes as they get all dolled up and psyched for the stage performance... I thought they looked great! Each & every one of them... thank you for the effort!!
And a
team of 3 judges, including myself to comment on the performances as they were rolled out made the afternoon even more exciting as we attempted to be our homegrown Simon, Randy & J-Lo judges and all I took the opportunity to root & rally the ladies as they listened & paced about nervously behind stage...
Somewhere towards the end of all the performances
, the organiser gathered the audience up to stand and join in a dance number with the dance students and we all did some simple dance moves on stage for some crowd interaction and that was fun indeed... I was impressed at how elaborate they had made their contest, even if it was an internal challenge within their organization itself.. and I was so pleased to be part of it.
.. and what was even more impressive was the table of trophies that everyone left with... everyone who participated was a winner and there were 2 special prizes too!
Trophies for all the participants that day, Bollywood and Danza and 2 special trophies. One for Best Dressed and One for Best dancer from each class... when these prizes were given out, the cheers and hoots for the winners were priceless...
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your instructor... keep happy, keep fit and stay healthy. Dance on!!!