Monday, January 03, 2011

Adiós Señor Velez...

Ha sido una experiencia bailar con usted. Gracias por todo. Se le olvidó.
*It has been an experience dancing with you. Thank you for everything. You will be missed.*

As they say, all good things must come to an end and with an end comes a new beginning... after nearly 3 years of dancing with Señor Velez - from stumbling over my feet over a salsa merengue routine around July 2008 to instructing my own classes daily. My dance instructor David, is leaving Singapore to further his career in the fitness industry in Jan 2011. It has been a dreadful feeling the past couple of weeks knowing there was a countdown to the classes that many of us had made our weekly routine. Deep friendships were forged, many calories were torched, bodies were changed and lives were inspired. I will miss all of that and all involved.

I cried through my sweat dancing from the warmup to almost throughout the final class at Novena, even when this picture was taken - my eyes were already swollen but I managed a smile as it would be my final one there.. I will miss having the early morning dances with the guys and gals that I've known over the past years... Thank you for screaming and hooting with me when I made my calls of joy in class.. Thank you for giving me chocolates, gummies and sweets.. Thank you for inviting me to your houses and bringing me food and clothes. Thank you for your concern and care. And finally Thank you for helping to inspire me to become as inspiring instructor as our Señor has been for us. I will give my best.

With this too as most would have known by now, I have cancelled my California fitness membership so I would not be seeing everyone from class from here on... maybe someone can sign me in for any special Zumba events if any these coming months and we'll all meet again from time to time. :) I will miss everyone. Sending my love to all.

And yeah, as usual - not the most flattering shot but what we would remember him most. His endearing Jekyll & Hyde self who can get from an amazing friendly people person whilst in class to a totally different introvert once he's out of the studio. Strange Phenomena but this I'm sure many would agree. He would always be remembered for constantly falling sick and coughing every time he comes back from a trip (which is like every 5-6 weeks?), getting chicken pox at such a ripe old age of 37 and being so humble & nice during his recovery, for inspiring my moves, for refreshing my choreo. each week with something that I've always never seen before, ruthlessly correcting my techniques during training *tears in pain* and finally loudly telling me off in front of everyone while staring me down during Zumba training. *pouts & wails - sadly traumatised*... :(

Picture with the Señor and the rest of the hot spanish chicas from Zumba class... Oh la la! muy bonito! Gracias de nuevo señor. Ha sido una gran inspiración para muchos y para mí también. Deseo todo lo mejor en todo lo que haces y la felicidad donde quiera que vaya. Y tal vez casarse con Wai Han eventualmente también! Sólo tal vez? :)

*Thank you again Señor. You have been a great inspiration to many and to me too. Wish you all the best in everything you do and happiness everywhere you go. And maybe get married to Wai Han eventually too! Just MAYBE?? :)*

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