Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Zumba Fitness Launch at the AC!

Finally after close to a year instructing various classes at the American Club Singapore. We finally get licensed for ZUMBA FITNESS! and officially I get to start donning my Zumbawear with much pride n happiness.

We had an awesome launch party on the 6th of May and 40 other ladies *some not present in this group shot* rocked the Dance floor as Rhomeiny in Orange (my team teach partner for the morning & other Zumba Fitness instructor teaching at the AC). It was a crazy high energy rockin' booty shakin' morning with everyone who attended complete with discoball n spotlight that was specially installed for the launch party.

Rhomeiny is a pretty fantastic Zumba instructor! And it was an honour launching the program at the club together with him. We sizzled the dance floor with the crowd and everyone later adjourned for some complimentary protein juice shakes, cakes, strawberries with cream, viet rolls and vegetables n dips as we mingled in the aftermath of a great class..

So much was the energy output that morning that it had me flat out for the rest of the day! My legs were jelly and I had to reschedule classes and personal training clients while I took the time to rest and get my legs rubbed back to life at the foot reflexologist.... Hahahah!! BUT... it was all worth it as the launch went fantastic! More Zumba to come people!! Check out the Lifestyles schedule at that club if you are a member there for class timings with either Rhomeiny who is taking over my Friday morning slot or with me on Sunday or Monday afternoons. :) Unfortunately however, you can only attend if you are an AC member or if a member signs you in and helps you pay for your class. 

If you're keen on taking Zumba with me, click on that link you see on the left column here on my blog for more details on my publicly available class at the Raffles Town Club. Yep, that big Zumba circle thing on the top left... yep! That one.. click on it.. :) ZUMBA! ZUMBA!! ZUMBA!!!

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