Sunday, January 25, 2009

CNY Reunion Lunch - OMG So Much Food...

Family Reunion Lunch! I was up early at 630am *my MIL was up by 3am to start on the soup!* to help prepare food but many of the ingredients have already been prepped over the past couple of days.

All these dishes all have their CNY significance and we always have them. I'm missing the image of the small steamed bitter good luck fish and Tang Yuan *glutinous rice balls in sugared water filled with peanut or black sesame filling* bc they didn't come out clear but there was so much other food, I practically left the table looking and feeling 6 months pregnant and guess what!

Guess! I fell asleep after all that eating for the next 3 hours after... wahhhh *snort* Urgh...

Then whats reunion dinner without Yu Shang! Self Made.. very yummy and FILLED with salmon. *I don't like salmon but its good luck...*

And steamed fish, chicken, roasted pork, char siew and my mother in laws' special Ngoh Hiang.. aka meat rolls. The usual rolls have water chestnut so I have a separate pack of rolls specially made without them *I'm allergic to waterchestnut if you don't already know* and I get 3 rolls ALL TO MYSELF every year at each meal.. .Bwuhahahahahaha!!! *slurps*

Day 1 of Chinese New Year tomorrow.. alot of snacking to come.. a Luncheon to hit over at the Toh House *looking forward to the fried yam/nian gao fritters*... then travelling all over Singapore to visit, give Ang Pow, receive Ang Pow and devour people's packet drinks and tidbits... *can feel my bodys' heatiness rise just thinking about it...*

Happy New Year again!! :)


Anonymous_X said...

Fantastic shots! Drool :)~

Wishing you & your family a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year!


Jonathan said...

nice photos.. made me missed my family's usual dinner treats..

happy new year too.