Monday, March 17, 2008

Whats on your office walls?

Whats on your office walls? As I look around, I see that I've got pictures of my girls and a whole hosts of drawings that they colour up for me all over the place... here are 2 of their latest additions.. and *cough* yes, thats me surfing up my facebook page in the background...

This one came from Eirian.. its some kind of fish mutation with transparent wings, a funky heart antennae and... errr... floating above the water? .... She's in kindy now and turns 6 this year..

And this is from Lauren... her interpretation of a Baby Rhino... which I thought.. in all its distorted manner that it was quite cute! Lauren's turning 8 this year and now in primary 2!... how time flies.... before you know it, I'm going to be dealing with relationship and pre-teen/teen issues!!! Arrrgh!!

This is her other drawing of a Baby elephant.. it actually came to me without ears and looked a little deflated so I asked "why your elephant have no ears har?" so she immediately grabbed a crayon and added 2 small ones in.. hahaha...

and my favourite one is this and I pinned this on my notice board... it was done about 1 year ago and it says....
" jesus is is the sky. and love me and my Sister and me Dear Cousin is his name is Gareth tham ar and my Sister Name is Eirian Sim and my Name is Lauren Sim and my Monther Name is Mummy and my Father Name is Daddy?"

Its definitely not in perfect english, not perfect grammar, not even perfect spelling or punctuations and capital letters but she wrote it all by herself before she presented it to me.. I was so amused, I told her it had a special place on my wall. I love my girls.. and everything they make for me... *even if sometimes I feel like slapping them silly with all their sibling fighting, arguing over clothes to wear out and their fine french "whining".....

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